Thief 2014 video game
Thief 2014 video game

Make no mistake, I love the Thief games, and I love stealth games, but this game deserves neither title. Oh, and don't even get me started on how disgusting it is to see DLC in a product that has the nerve to call itself a Thief game. The list goes on and on this game leans so heavily on these so-called "gritty", "mature" themes because at it's core, it's a slow, repetitive, boring game with a world that's as lifeless as the forgettable story and 1-dimensional characters. As for sexuality, this game is rife with it, which usually isn't a problem, but feels like a disgrace when you realize the trilogy of REAL Thief games never needed to be carried by countless nude statues, brothel levels, naked opium-addicts moaning on couches together, men violently abusing prostitutes in a brothel run by an aggressive transvestite, dominatrixes spanking intoxicated men, etc. The player finds many levels with opium in them, and even uses it to restore their mana. For whatever reason, opium is a central theme is this game, as is rampant sexuality.

thief 2014 video game

In this poor excuse for a Thief game, characters constantly swear like sailors in really forced, bad voice-acting, and it's not the funny and creative "Taffer" of yesteryear nope, just classic f-bombs to break you right outta your immersion. The original trilogy told an amazing story through great characters, flawless gameplay, and no "mature" themes to lean on. Now I get to the worst thing about this game, ESPECIALLY compared to the original MATURE and GROWN-UP and COOL it thinks it is. Oh, and in case this isn't cringey enough, he lives in a clocktower where he talks to ravens. Where the original Garrett was a street-smart orphan who was FORCED to steal, this new Garrett is an edgy, narcissistic, kleptomaniacal wannabe-bad-boy who steals for no other reason than that he CAN because the "shadows are his allies" or something. The characters are awful all your allies are reused tropes with nothing interesting or compelling, and the main protagonist is NOTHING like the original Garrett. There I just summed up every bit of depth and intrigue the plot has. Team up with beggars and outcasts to stop them by stealing stuff. Bad people found a magic crystal and are using it to do bad things, like making your annoying apprentice vanish and causing you to smack your face into a pillar. The gameplay forces stealth, but does a bad job of it with inconsistent AI that sometimes seems psychic, and other times totally dead to the upled with Garrett's equally inconsistent stamina meter and limited options compared to the trilogy I mentioned above. Quests involve finding an item at the end of a linear path, and bringing it back to someone. To start off with, the game's setting is very linear and boring the large, dystopian city is NOT open for exploration, and you'll find invisible walls blocking you in many areas, unless you have the right quests. Before I hear "It's not SUPPOSED to be part of the trilogy!!", the trailers marketed it as "I'm Garrett.did you miss me?", so since the game is comparing itself to the trilogy, I'll do the same thing. This game is NOT part of the canon of these games, and is basically a ripoff/reinterpretation of the original franchise's core concept. There is a lot of drug references to smoking and alcohol as well.įirst of all, let me highly recommend Thief: Gold, Thief 2: The Metal Age, and Thief: Deadly Shadows. Other than the extremely unnecessary sexual content, the story is really good! Unfortunately, the sexual content cannot be ignored or avoided.

thief 2014 video game

This content is never directly experienced (Though the choice was definitely prescribed to you), so I had to mute my screen and remove my precious subtitles in order to ignore it which for a stealth video game, is like diving underwater without goggles. Throughout the level, you can hear the couple on the other side of the room engaging in sexual activity.

thief 2014 video game

One level features Garrett sneaking through a one of the brothels itself. The levels are well designed, but this game features a lot of sexual content: Naked paintings of women, prostitutes, and brothels are featured in the game. The story seems easy as you begin, but gets ramped up as the heat would to a real thief. The game features excellent gameplay and mechanics. Players will steal, climb and sneak their way through the streets of a rotting city. Thief (2014) is a game that follows Garrett through a story surrounding mysticism and darkness.

Thief 2014 video game